Fraction of Area Burned per Decade under the A2 Scenario - California

Apr 20, 2015 (Last modified Jun 13, 2015)
Created by Dominique Bachelet
Open Map
We used a variable representing the fraction of each grid cell that burns annually as simulated by the MC2 dynamic global vegetation model using potential vegetation with fire suppression and land use. We summed the values for every decade throughout the 21st century across 3 CMIP3 climate projections (CSIRO, MIROC and CGCM3) under the A2 emission scenario and across 20 CMIP5 climate projections. Values > 1 indicate areas that burn more than once during the decade.
Two levels of human intervention are illustrated: 1) potential natural vegetation maintained with wildfires, 2) potential natural vegetation with fire suppression and projected land use. Results were averaged by decade and across 3 climate projections under the A2 emission scenario.
We uploaded 2 resolutions (30arc sec -~800m- and - 30arc min ~8km) for the results under the A2 scenario.
Bachelet, Ferschweiler, Sheehan
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About the Map Author

Dominique Bachelet
climate change scientist with Oregon State University

Dominique received her Master’s degree in 1978 in Lille (France) and her Ph.D. in 1983 from Colorado State University with a thesis focused on biogeochemical cycles in the shortgrass prairie. In 1984 she went to U.C. Riverside as a postdoc simulating nitrogen fixing shrubs in the Sonoran desert then...